Product line FAQ

On your website/label you advice to use PK 13/14 one week while a shop recommended me to use it more weeks?

We recommend to use PK 13/14 always for one week! CANNA nutrients already contain a certain amount of P and K. When the plant is in a certain stage of the flowering stage we can't increase the feed for the plant any more, so we change the PK-ratio by adding PK 13/14 for one week.

Which bacteria will Trichoderma kill?

Trichoderma (a fungus family) do not kill bacteria. Most Trichoderma protect the plant against harmful fungi. This is because they eat other fungi. They stimulates the root environment so roots can develop better and with more root hairs. As a result the plant gains more vitality.

Keep your nutrients dark

Light breaks down iron chelates! Because of this, it is very important to ensure that no Ultra Violet light falls on the nutrient solution. Light also causes algae to grow in the nutrient solution, which can lead to blockages. Furthermore, algae can take up nutrient elements and cause nutrient deficiencies to occur.

Amounts of nutrients

Keep note of the amounts of nutrients and additives you add to each tank of nutrients you mix. You then have a good starting point for the next time!

Nutrient tank

Take your time diluting and adjusting your nutrient tank! This is essential for the growth, flowering and development of the plants and will yield the best results.

Dilluting CANNAZYM

Never dilute more CANNAZYM than will be used within 10 days.

Foliar feeding with RHIZOTONIC

Foliar feeding with RHIZOTONIC is most efficient when this is carried out around the time that the lights go out when cultivating inside, or just before sunset when cultivating outside.

Use PK 13/14 to prevent accumulation

Prevent the accumulation of phosphate and potassium by using PK 13/14 no more than one week.

Adding acid to water

When you dilute an acidic product, always add the acid to the water, never add water to the acid, if it splashes it will cause burns on your skin or in your eyes!

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